正文 A Very, Very Great Lady and Her Son at Home

"When I was adolest, my mother taught me a charm, gave me a talisman, handed me the key of the world. For I lived in terror, I, so young, so shy of so many people -- i.e. those who spoke with soft voices and souhe h in which; ema usherettes who, in those days wore wide satin pyjamas which mocked my unawakened sex with unashamed lasciviousness; suave men who put cold hands on my defenceless, barely formed breasts oops of lonely November buses. So many, many people.

"My mother said: Child, if such folks awe you, then picture them on the lavatory, straining, stipated. They will at once seem small, pathetic, manageable. And she whispered to me a great, universal truth: the bowels are great levellers.

"She was a rough woman, my mother. She picked her teeth ceaselessly with a fork and she would take off her felt slippers, in the evenings, and probe out the caked, flaked skin and dirt from betweeoes with a sensual, inquisitive finger. But she ossessed of grea……(内容加载失败!)




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