正文 The Scarlet House-2

An orderly took me to the Scarlet House, a block-house with red-painted doors. He had almost to carry me because I could scarcely walk. There was no mouth in his fao mouth. His eyes were feral, wild, scarcely human.

"Aha!" says the t in a great good humour; "Your memory is playing tricks on you!"

He himself, such is his magnanimity, received me in a vast, eg hall hung with extravagant tapestries. I retain only the most fused recolles of its exterior but I know the inside perfectly well, now. It is a maze of cells like the inside of a braiook away my old coat that was still bundled around my shoulders and dropped it into an ior. Then he showed me the sacrificial knife, which is made of black obsidian, and said to me: "As of the present moment you inhabit the world no longer sihe least impulse of my will cause you to disappear from it."

But his methods are more subtle than the knife. Dedicated as he is to the dissolution of forms, he intends to erode my ……(内容加载失败!)




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