正文 The Snow Pavilion-1

The motor stalled in the middle of a snowy landscape, lodged in a rut, wouldnt budge an inch. How I swore! Id plao be snug in front of a r fire, by now, a single malt on the mahogany wiable (a oisseurs piece) beside me, the five courses of Melissas dinner savourously aromatising the kit; to plete the decor, a labrador retrievers head laid on my knee as trustingly as if I were indeed a try gentleman and lolled by rights among the tz. After dinner, before I read our ary pre-coital poetry aloud to her, my elegant and aplished mistress, also a oisseurs piece, might play the piano for her part-time pasha while I sipped black, acrid coffee from her precious little cups.

Melissa was rich, beautiful and rather older than I. The servants slipped me looks of sly plicity; no matter how carefully I rumpled my sheets, they knew when a bed hadnt bee in. The master of the house had a pied-a-terre in Londohe House was sitting and the House was sitting tight. Id met him……(内容加载失败!)




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