正文 First Publications

"The Man Who Loved a Double Bass" first appeared in Storyteller test, July 1962. "A Very, Very Great Lady and Her Son at Home" was first published in Nonesuch, in Autumn 1965 and "A Victorian Fable (with Glossary)" was also published in Nonesuch, in Summer/Autumn 1966.

"A Souvenir of Japan", "The Executioners Beautiful Daughter", "The Loves of Lady Purple", "The Smile of Winter", "Peing to the Heart of the Forest", "Flesh and the Mirror", "Master", "Refles" and "Elegy for a Freelance", writteween 1970 and 1973, were all inally published in Fireworks: Nine Profane Pieces (Quartet Books, 1974).

"The Bloody Chamber" and "The Tigers Bride" first appeared in The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories (Victollancz, 1979). "The Courtship of Mr Lyon" was inally published in British Vogue , "Puss-in-Boots" appeared ihology The Straw and the Gold, edited by Emma Tennant (Pierrot Books, 1979). "The Erl-King" appeared in Bananas (October, 1977), "The Snow Child" was broa……(内容加载失败!)




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