I wondered whether Shekure’s father was aware of the letters we exged. If I were to sider her tone, which bespoke a timid maiden quite afraid of her father, I’d have to clude that not a single word about me had passed between them. Yet, I sehat this was not the case. The slyness iher’s looks, Shekure’s enting appeara the window, the decisiveness with which my Enishte seo his illustrators and his despair when he ordered me to e this m—all of it made me quite uneasy.

In the m, as soon as my Enishte asked me to sit before him, he began to describe the portraits he saw in Venice. As the ambassador of Our Sultan, Refuge of the World, he’d visited quite a number of palazzos, churches and the houses of prosperous men. Over a period of days, he stood before thousands of portraits. He saw thousands of framed faces depicted on stretched vas or wood or painted directly onto walls. “Eae was different from the . They were distinctive, unique human faces!” he……(内容加载失败!)




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