Shekure shut herself into the room with the children, and I liste length to the sounds within the house and to its incessant creaking. Shekure and Shevket began whispering to each other and she anxiously quieted them with an abrupt “shush!” I heard a rattling ing from the stone-paved area he well, but it didn’t last. Later, my attention was caught by a squawking seagull that had alighted on the roof. Then it, too, fell silent along with everything else. Afterward, I heard a low moan from the other side of the hallway: Hayriye was g in her sleep. Her moans dissolved into coughing whided as suddenly as it had begun, giving way once again to that deep, dreadful silence. A while later, I imagihat an intruder was roaming around the room where my dead Enishte lay, and I froze


During each span of silence, I examihe pictures before me, plating how the passionate Olive, the beautiful Butterfly and the deceased gilder had dabbed paint onto the page. I……(内容加载失败!)




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