Maybe you’ve uood by now that for men like myself, that is, melanen for whom love, agony, happiness and misery are just excuses for maintainiernal loneliness, life offers her great joy nreat sadness. I’m not saying we ’t relate to other souls overwhelmed by these feelings, on the trary, we sympathize with them. What we ot fathom is the odd disquiet our souls sink into at such times. This silent turmoil dims our intellects and dampens our hearts, usurping the place reserved for the true joy and sadness we ought to experience.

I had buried her father, thank God, hurried home from the funeral, and in a gesture of dolence, embraced my wife, Shekure; then suddenly, in a fit of tears she collapsed onto a large cushion with her children, whlaring at me with spite, and I didn’t know what to do. Her misery cided with my victory. In one fell swoop, I had wed the dream of my youth, freed myself from her father who belittled me, and beaster of the house. Who wo……(内容加载失败!)




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