Prior to the evening prayers, there came a knock at the door and I ope without ceremony: It was one of the ander’s men from the palace, a , handsome, cheerful and being youth. In

addition to paper and a writing board, he carried an oil lamp in his hand, which cast shadows over his face rather than illuminating it. He quickly apprised me of the situation: Our Sultan had declared a test among the master miniaturists to see who could draw the best horse in the shortest time. I was asked to sit on the floor, arrange paper on the board and the board on my knees and quickly depict the world’s most beautiful horse in the spadicated within the borders of the page.

I invited my guest inside. I ran ached my ink and the fi of my brushes made from hair clipped from a cat’s ear. I sat down on the floor and froze! Might this test be a ruse or ploy that I’d end up paying for with my blood or my head? Perhaps! But hadn’t all the legendary illustrations by the old ……(内容加载失败!)




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