I believe it was about the time of the evening prayer. Someone was at the door. He explaihat the Sultan had announced a petition. As you and, my dear Sultan; indeed, who could draw a more beautiful horse than I?

It gave me pause, however, when I learhat the picture was to be made without color in the blak style. Why no colors? Because I happen to be the best in the sele and application of them? Who would judge which illustration was best? I tried to get more information out of the broad-shouldered, pink-lipped, pretty boy who’d e from the palace, and was able to ihat Head Illuminator Master Osman was behind this test. Master Osman, without a doubt, knows my talent and likes me the best of all the masters.

So, as I gazed at the empty page, the stance, look and demeanor of a horse that would please both the Sultan and Master Osman came to life before my eyes. The horse ought to be lively, but serious, like the horses Master Osman made ten years ago, and ……(内容加载失败!)




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