I saw the mob and khe Erzurumis had begun slaying us witty miniaturists.

Black was also in the crowd watg the attack. I saw him holding a dagger apanied by a group of odd-lookihe well-knowher the clothier and other women carrying cloth sacks. I had an urge to flee after seeing the establishment cruelly wrecked and the coffeehouse-goers beaten mercilessly as they tried to leave. Later, another mob, perhaps the Janissaries, arrived. The Erzurumis snuffed out their torches and fled.

There was nobody at the dark entrance of the coffeehouse, and no one was looking. I walked inside. Everything was in shambles. I stepped on the shattered cups, plates, glasses and bowls. An oil lamp hanging from a nail high on the wall hadn’t died out during the turmoil but only illumihe soot marks on the ceiling, leaving in darkhe floor strewn with the boards of wrecked wood benches, broken low tables and other debris.

Stag long cushions atop one another, I reached up and gra……(内容加载失败!)




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