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When she was only twenty-three her first he Heart Is A Lonely Hunter, created a literary sensation. She is very special, one of Americas superlative writers who jures up a vision of existence as terrible as it is real, who takes us on shattering voyages into the depths of the spiritual isolation that underlies the human dition.

A grotesque human triangle in a primitive Southern town. . . A young boy learning the difficult lessons of manhood. . . A fateful enter with his native land and former love. . . These are parts of the world of cCullers -- a world of the lost, the ihe eternal strangers at lifes feast. Here are brilliant revelations of love and longing, bitter heartbreak and occasional happiness -- tales that probe the very heart of our lives.

cCULLERS (1917-1967)

When she was only twenty-three, cCullers first he Heart Is a Lonely Hunter, became a literary sensation. Sihat time, her reputation has grown with every successive work.

Suovels as Refles……(内容加载失败!)




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