正文 The Ballad of the Sad Café-2

"Evening," said the hunchback, and he was out of breath.

Miss Amelia and the men on the poreither answered his greeting nor spoke. They only looked at him.

"I am hunting for Miss Amelia Evans."

Miss Amelia pushed back her hair from her forehead and raised her . "How e?"

"Because I am kin to her," the hunchback said.

The twins and Stumpy MacPhail looked up at Miss Amelia.

"Thats me," she said. "How do you mean kin?"

"Because --" the hunchback began. He looked uneasy, almost as though he was about to cry. He rested the suitcase otom step, but did not take his hand from the handle. "My mother was Fanny Jesup and she e from Cheehaw. She left Cheehaw some thirty years ago when she married her first husband. I remember heariell how she had a half-sister named Martha. And ba Cheehaw today they tell me that was your mother."

Miss Amelia listened with her head turned slightly aside. She ate her Sunday dinners by herself; her place was never crowded with a flock o……(内容加载失败!)




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