正文 The Ballad of the Sad Café-3

They drank until it ast midnight, and the moon was clouded over so that the night was cold and dark. The hunchback still sat otom steps, bent over miserably with his forehead resting on his knee. Miss Amelia stood with her hands in her pockets, one foot resting on the sed step of the stairs. She had been silent for a long time. Her face had the expression often seen in slightly cross-eyed persons who are thinking deeply, a look that appears to be both very wise and very crazy. At last she said: "I dont know your name."

"Im Lymon Willis," said the hunchback.

"Well, e on in," she said. "Some supper was left iove and you eat."

Only a few times in her life had Miss Amelia invited ao eat with her, unless she were planning to trick them in some way, or make money out of them. So the men on the porch felt there was something wrong. Later, they said among themselves that she must have been drinking ba the s the better part of the afternoon. At any rate she lef……(内容加载失败!)




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