正文 The Ballad of the Sad Café-7

The church is no distance from the store so the bride and groom walked home. It is said that on the way Miss Amelia began to talk about some deal she had worked up with a farmer over a load of kindling wood. In fact, she treated her groom ily the same manner she would have used with some er who had e into the store to buy a pint from her. But so far all had goly enough; the town was gratified, as people had seen what this love had doo Marvin Mad hoped that it might also reform his bride. At least, they ted on the marriage to tone down Miss Amelias temper, to put a bit of bride-fat on her, and to ge her at last into a calculable woman.

They were wrong. The young boys who watched through the window on that night said that this is what actually happehe bride and groom ate a grand supper prepared by Jeff, the old Negro who cooked for Miss Amelia. The bride took sed servings of everything, but the groom picked with his food. Then the bride went about her ord……(内容加载失败!)




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