正文 The Ballad of the Sad Café-12

"Everything you holler at me bounces ba yourself. Yah! Yah!"

Miss Amelia would have to stand there helpless, as no one has ever ied a way out of this trap. She could not shout out abuse that would bounce ba herself. He had the best of her, there was nothing she could do.

So things went on like this. What happened betweehree of them during the nights in the rooms upstairs nobody knows. But the café became more and more crowded every night. A able had to be brought in. Even the Hermit, the crazy man named Rainer Smith, who took to the ss years ago, heard something of the situation and came one night to look in at the window and brood over the gathering in the bright café. And the climax each evening was the time when Miss Amelia and Marvin Macy doubled their fists, squared up, and glared at each other. Usually this did not happen after any especial argument, but it seemed to e about mysteriously, by means of some instin the part of both of them. At thes……(内容加载失败!)




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