正文 The Ballad of the Sad Café-14


The Forks Falls highway is three miles from the town, and it is here the gang has been w. The road is of macadam, and the ty decided to patch up the rough places and widen it at a certain dangerous place. The gang is made up of twelve men, all wearing blad white striped prison suits, and ed at the ahere is a guard, with a gun, his eyes drawn to red slits by the glare. The gang works all the day long, arriving huddled in the prison cart soon after daybreak, and being driven off again in the gray August twilight. All day there is the sound of the picks striking into the clay earth, hard sunlight, the smell of sweat. And every day there is musie dark voice will start a phrase, half-sung, and like a question. And after a moment another voice will join in, soon the whole gang will be singing. The voices are dark in the golden glare, the musitricately blended, both somber and joyful. The music will swell until at last it seems that the ……(内容加载失败!)




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The Ballad of the Sad Café-13目录+书签Wunderkind-1