正文 Wunderkind-1

SHE CAME into the living room, her music satchel plopping against her wioged legs aher arm weighted down with school books, and stood for a moment listening to the sounds from the studio. A soft procession of piano chords and the tuning of a violin. Then Mister Bilderbach called out to her in his ky, guttural tones:

"That you, Bien?"

As she jerked off her mittens she saw that her fingers were twitg to the motions of the fugue she had practiced that m. "Yes," she answered. "Its me;"

"I," the voice corrected. "Just a moment."

She could hear Mister Lafkowitz talking -- his words spun out in a silky, unintelligible hum. A voice almost like a womans, she thought, pared to Mister Bilderbachs. Restlessness scattered her attention. She fumbled with her geometry book and Le Voyage de Monsieur Perri before putting them oable. She sat down on the sofa and began to take her musi the satchel. Again she saw her hands -- the quivering tendons that stretched down from ……(内容加载失败!)




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