正文 Wunderkind-2

"No, no -- I dont think that would be appropriate." Mister Bilderbach had said when the Bloch was suggested to end the programme. "Now that John Powell thing -- the Sonate Virginianesque."

She hadnt uood then; she wa to be the Bloch as much as Mister Lafkowitz and Heime.

Mister Bilderbach had given in. Later, after the reviews had said she lacked the temperament for that type of music, after they called her playing thin and lag in feeling, she felt cheated.

"That oie oie stuff," said Mister Bilderbach, crag the neers at her. "Not for you, Bien. Leave all that to the Heimes and vitses and skys."

A Wunderkind. No matter what the papers said, that was what he had called her.

Why was it Heime had done so much better at the cert tha school sometimes, when she was supposed to be watg someone do a geometry problem on the blackboard, the question would twist knife-like inside her. She would worry about it in bed, and even sometimes when she was supposed to be t……(内容加载失败!)




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