正文 Madame Zilensky and the King of Finland-1

To MR. BROOK, the head of the music department at Ryder College, was due all the credit fetting Madame Zilensky on the faculty. The college sidered itself fortunate; her reputation was impressive, both as a poser and as a pedagogue. Mr. Brook took on himself the responsibility of finding a house for Madame Zilensky, a fortable place with a garden, which was veo the college ao the apartment house where he himself lived.

No one ibridge had known Madame Zilensky before she came. Mr. Brook had seen her pictures in musical journals, and once he had written to her about the authenticity of a certain Buxtehude manuscript. Also, when it was beiled that she was to join the faculty, they had exged a few cables aers on practical affairs. She wrote in a clear, square hand, and the only thing out of the ordinary in these letters was the fact that they tained an occasional refereo objects and persons altogether unknown to Mr. Brook, such as "the yellow cat in Lisbon"……(内容加载失败!)




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