正文 The Sojourner-1

THE TWILIGHT BORDER between sleep and waking was a Romahis m; splashing fountains and arched, narrow streets, the golden lavish city of blossoms and age-soft stone. Sometimes in this semi-sciousness he sojourned again in Paris, or war German rubble, or Swiss skiing and a snow hotel. Sometimes, also, in a fallow Geia field at hunting dawn. Rome it was this m in the yearless region of dreams.

John Ferris awoke in a room in a New York hotel. He had the feeling that something unpleasant was awaiting him -- what it was, he did not know. The feeling, submerged by matinal ies, lingered even after he had dressed and gone downstairs. It was a cloudless autumn day and the pale sunlight sliced between the pastel skyscrapers. Ferris went into the -dostore and sat at the end booth o the window glass that overlooked the sidewalk. He ordered an Ameri breakfast with scrambled eggs and sausage.

Ferris had e from Paris to his fathers funeral which had taken place the wee……(内容加载失败!)




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