正文 The Sojourner-2

"I just had this day in town. I came home uedly. You see, Papa died last week."

"Papa Ferris is dead?"

"Yes, at Johns-Hopkins. He had been sick there nearly a year. The funeral was down home in Geia."

"Oh, Im so sorry, John. Papa Ferris was always one of my favorite people."

The little boy moved from behind the chair so that he could look into his mothers face. He asked, "Who is dead?"

Ferris was oblivious to apprehension; he was thinking of his fathers death. He saw agaistretched body on the quilted silk within the coffin. The corpse flesh was bizarrely rouged and the familiar hands lay massive and joined above a spread of funeral roses. The memory closed and Ferris awakeo Elizabeths calm voice.

"Mr. Ferris father, Billy. A really grand person. Somebody you didnt know."

"But why did you call him Papa Ferris?"

Bailey and Elizabeth exged a trapped look. It was Bailey who answered the questioning child. "A long time ago," he said, "your mother and Mr. Fer……(内容加载失败!)




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