正文 A Domestic Dilemma-1

ON THURSDAY Martin Meadows left the office early enough to make the first express bus home. It was the hour when the evening lilac glow was fading in the slushy streets, but by the time the bus had left the mid-town terminal the bright city night had e. On Thursdays the maid had a half-day off and Martin liked to get home as soon as possible, since for the past year his wife had not been -- well. This Thursday he was very tired and, hoping that nular uter would single him out for versation, he fastened his attention to the neer until the bus had crossed the Gee Washingte. On 9-W Highway Martin always felt that the trip was halfway done, he breathed deeply, even in cold weather when only ribbons ht cut through the smoky air of the bus, fident that he was breathing try air. It used to be that at this point he would relax and begin to think with pleasure of his home. But in this last year nearness brought only a sense of tension and he did not anticipate t……(内容加载失败!)




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