正文 A Domestic Dilemma-2

"Marianne!" Martin called, for even the recolle of that time brought the need for reassurahe baby girl, no longer hurt, but no less precious to her father, came into the kit with her brother. Marti on with the preparations for the meal. He opened a of soup and put two chops in the frying pan. The down by the table and took his Marianne on his knees for a pony ride. Andy watched them, his fingers wobbling the tooth that had been loose all that week.

"Andy-the-dyman!" Martin said. "Is that old critter still in your mouth? e closer, let Daddy have a look."

"I got a string to pull it with." The child brought from his pocket a tahread. "Virgie said to tie it to the tooth and tie the other end of the doorknob and shut the door real suddenly."

Martin took out a handkerchief ahe loose tooth carefully. "That tooth is ing out of my Andys mouth tonight. Otherwise Im awfully afraid well have a tooth tree in the family."

"A what?"

"A tooth tree," Martin said. "You……(内容加载失败!)




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