正文 A Tree, A Rock, A Cloud

IT WAS RAINING that m, and still very dark. When the boy reached the streetcar café he had almost finished his route and he went in for a cup of coffee. The place was an all-night café owned by a bitter and stingy man called Leo. After the raw, empty street, the café seemed friendly and bright: along the ter there were a couple of soldiers, three spinners from the ill, and in a er a man who sat hunched over with his nose and half his face down in a beer mug. The boy wore a helmet such as aviators wear. When he went into the café he unbuckled the strap and raised the right flap up over his pink little ear; often as he drank his coffee someone would speak to him in a friendly way. But this m Leo did not look into his fad none of the mealking. He paid and was leaving the café when a voice called out to him:

"Son! Hey Son!"

He turned bad the man in the er was crooking his finger and nodding to him. He had brought his face out of the beer mug and he se……(内容加载失败!)




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