正文 Chapter Five

The rain fell all that night. It made rivers of water that ran ^y beh the basement doors, into the kit, the still-room and the pantries. We had to cut short our supper so that Mr Way and Charles might lay down sacks. I stood with Mrs Stiles at a backstairs window, watg the boung raindrops and the flashes of lightning. She rubbed her arms and gazed at the sky.

Pity the sailors at sea, she said.

I went up early to Mauds rooms, and sat in the darkness, and when she came she did not know, for a mihat I was there: she stood and put her hands to her face. Then the lightning flashed again, and she saw me, and jumped.

Are you here? she said.

Her eyes seemed large. She had been with her uncle, and with Gentleman. I thought, Shell tell me now. But she only stood gazing at me, and whehunder sounded she turned and moved away. I went with her to her bedroom. She stood as weakly for me to

undress her as she had stood ilemans arms, and the hand he had kissed she held ……(内容加载失败!)




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