正文 chapter 1

The rabbit had been run over minutes before. Its pink eyes were glazed and blood stais white fur. Unnaturally fur, for it had just escaped from a bath. It still smelt faintly of lavender water.

A tall, curiously pale young woman stood over the rabbit. Her night-black hair, fashionably bobbed, was hanging slightly over her face.

She wore no makeup or jewelry, save for an enamelled school badge piulation navy blazer. That, coupled with her long skirt, stogs and sensible shoes, identified her as a schoolgirl. A e uhe badge read “Sabriel” and the Roman “VI” and gilt proclaimed her to be both a member of the Sixth Form and a prefect.

The rabbit was, uionably, dead. Sabriel looked up from it and back along the bricked drive that left the road and curved up to an imposing pair ht-iron gates. A sign above the gate, in gilt letters of mock Gothinouhat they were the gates to Wyverley College. Smaller letters added that the school was “Established in for ……(内容加载失败!)




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