正文 chapter iv

Sabriel found the first dead Aierran soldier about six miles from the Wall, in the last, fading hours of the afternoon.

The hill she thought was Clove was a mile or two to the north. She’d stopped to look at its dark bulk, rising rocky and treeless from the snow-cround, its peak temporarily hidden in one of the light, puffy clouds that occasionally let forth a shower of snow or sleet.

If she hadn’t stopped, she would probably have missed the frosted-white hand that peeked out of a drift oher side of the road. But as soon as she saw that, her attention focused and Sabriel felt the familiar pang of death.

Crossing over, her skis clag on bare stone in the middle of the road, she bent down aly brushed the snow away.

The hand beloo a young man, who wore a standard-issue coat of mail over an Aierran uniform of khaki serge. He was blond and grey-eyed, and Sabriel thought he had been surprised, for there was no fear in his frozen expression. She touched his f……(内容加载失败!)




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