正文 chapter vi

Charter Magi Clove.

It was like a st on the wind to the thing that lurked in the caves below the hill, some mile or more to the west of the broken Charter Stone.

It had been human once, or human-like at least, in the years it had lived uhe sun.

That humanity had been lost in the turies the thing spent in the chill waters of Death, ferociously holding its own against the current, demonstrating an incredible will to live again. A will it didn’t know it possessed before a badly cast hunting spear bounced from a rod clipped its throat, just enough for a last few minutes of frantic life.

By sheer effort of will, it had held itself on the life side of the Fate for three hundred years, growing in power, learning the ways of Death. It preyed on lesser spirits, and served or avoided greater ones. Always, the thing held on to life. Its ce finally came when a mighty spirit erupted from beyond the Seventh Gate, smashing through each of the Upper Gates in turn, til……(内容加载失败!)




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