正文 chapter vii

But the hand didn’t close; the talons failed to rend defenseless flesh.

Instead, Sabriel felt a sudden surge of Charter Magid Charter marks flared around the door, blazing shtly that they left red after-images at the back of her eyes, black dots dang across her vision.

Blinking, she saw a man step out from the stones of the wall, a tall and obviously strong man, with a longsword the twin of Sabriel’s own.

This sword came whistling down on the Mordit’s arm, biting out a k of burning marsh-rotten flesh. Rebounding, the sword flicked back again, and hewed another slice, like an axeman sending chips flying from a tree.

The Mordit howled, more in ahan in pain—but it withdrew the arm and the strahrew himself against the door, slamming it shut with the full weight of his mail-clad body.

Curiously for mail, it made no sound, no jangling from the flow of hundreds of steel links. A strange body u too, Sabriel saw, as the black dots and the red wash faded, rev……(内容加载失败!)




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