正文 chapter ix

Lanterns lit the study, old brass lanterns that burned with Charter Magi place of oil. Smokeless, silent aernal, they provided as good a light as the electric bulbs of Aierre.

Books lihe walls, following the curves of the tower around, save for where the stair rose from below, and the ladder climbed to the observatory above.

A redwood table sat in the middle of the room, its legs scaled and beady-eyed, oral flames lig from the mouths of the dragonheads that gripped each er of the tabletop.

An inkwell, pens, papers and a pair of bronze map dividers lay upoable. Chairs of the same red wood surrou, their upholstery black with a variation on the silver key motif.

The table was one of the few things Sabriel remembered from her childhood visits. “Dragon desk” her father had called it, and she’d ed herself around one of those dragon legs, her head not even reag the underside of the table.

Sabriel ran her hand over the smooth, cool wood, feeling both her mem……(内容加载失败!)




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