正文 chapter x

The arrival of the floodwaters was heralded by great ks of ice that came battering against the wooden bridge of grave dirt boxes like storm-borne icebergs ramming anchored ships. Ice shattered, wood splintered; a regular drumming that beat out a warning, announg the great wave that followed the outriding ice.

Dead Hands and living slaves scurried back along the coffin bridge, the Dead’s shadowy bodies losing shape as they ran, so they became like long, this of black crepe, squirming and sliding over rocks and boxes, throwing human slaves aside without mercy, desperate to escape the destru that came r down the river.

Sabriel, watg from the tower, felt the people die, vulsively swallowing as she seheir last breaths gurgling, sug water instead of air. Some of them, at least two pairs, had deliberately thrown themselves into the river, choosing a final death, rather than risk eternal bondage. Most had been knocked, pushed or simply scared aside by the Dead……(内容加载失败!)




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