正文 chapter xii

Sabriel regained sciousness slowly, her brain fumbling for es to her senses. Hearing came first, but that only caught her own labored breathing, and the creak of her armored coat as she struggled to sit up. For the moment, sight eluded her, and she anicked, afraid of blindness, till memory came. It was night, and she was at the bottom of a sinkhole—a great, circular shaft bored into the ground, by either nature or artifice. From her brief glimpse of it as they’d fallen, she guessed it was easily fifty yards in diameter and a hundred deep. Daylight would probably illumis murky depths, but starlight was insuffit.

Pain came , hard on the heels of memory. A thousand aches and bruises, but no serious injury.

Sabriel wiggled her toes and fingers, flexed muscles in arms, bad legs. They all hurt, but everything seemed to work.

She vaguely recalled the last few seds before impact—Mogget, or the white force, slowing them just before they hit—but the actual in……(内容加载失败!)




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