正文 chapter xiii

her Sabriel nget mentiohe happenings of the previous night when they awoke. Sabriel, bathing her seriously swollen nose in an inch of water from her teen, found that she didn’t particularly want to remember a waking nightmare, and Mogget was quiet, in an apologetic way. Despite what happened later, freeing Mogget’s alter ego, or whatever it was, had saved them from certairu by the wind.

As she’d expected, dawn had brought some light to the sinkhole, and as the day progressed, this had grown to a level approximating twilight.

Sabriel could read ahings close by quite clearly, but they merged into indistinct gloom twenty or thirty yards away.

Not that the sinkhole was much larger than that—perhaps a hundred yards in diameter, not the fifty she’d guessed at when she was ing down. The entire floor of it aved, with a circular drain in the middle, and there were several tunrances into the sheer rock walls—tunnels which Sabriel knew she would eventually h……(内容加载失败!)




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