正文 chapter xviii

By the m of the sixth day out of owe, Sabriel was heartily tired of nautical life. They’d sailed virtually non-stop all that time, only putting into shore at noon for fresh water, and only the was sunny.

Nights were spent under sail, or, when exhaustion claimed Touchstone, hove-to with a sea anchor, the unsleeping Mogget standing watch.

Fortunately, the weather had been kind.

It had been a relatively uful five days.

Two days from owe to Beardy Point, an unprepossessing peninsula whose only iiures were a sandy-bottomed bead a clear stream. Devoid of life, it was also devoid of the Dead. Here, for the first time, Sabriel could no longer sehe pursuing Mordit. A good, strong, south-easterly had propelled them, reag northwards, at too fast a pace for it to follow.

Three days from Beardy Point to the island of Ilgard, its rocky cliffs climbing sheer from the sea, a grey and pockmarked te, home to tens of thousands of seabirds. They passed it late iernoon, th……(内容加载失败!)




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