正文 chapter xix

Sabriel had expected Belisaere to be a ruined city, devoid of life, but it was not so. By the time they saw its towers, and the truly impressive walls that rihe peninsula on which the city stood, they also saw fishing boats, of a size with their own. People were fishing from them—normal, friendly people, who waved and shouted as they passed. Only their greeting was telling of how things might be in Belisaere. “Good sun and swift water” was not the typical greeting in Touchstoime.

The city’s main harbor was reached from the west. A wide, buoyed el raween two hulking defeworks, leading into a vast pool, easily as big as twenty or thirty playing fields. Wharves lihree sides of the pool, but most were deserted. To the north and south, warehouses rotted behind the empty wharves, broken walls and holed roofs testimony to long abando.

Only the eastern dock looked lively. There were none of the big trading vessels of bygone days, but many small coastal craf……(内容加载失败!)




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