正文 chapter xx

Leaving the safe, aqueductbounded quarter of Belisaere proved to be a more difficult busihaering it, particularly through the northern archway, which led out to a long-abareet of derelict houses, winding their towards the northern hills of the city.

There were six guards at the archway, and they looked siderably more alert and effit than the ones who guarded the passage from the docks. There was also a group of other people ahead of Sabriel and Touchstone waiting to be let through. Nine men, all with the marks of violence written in their expressions, in the way they spoke and moved. Every one was armed, with ing from daggers to a broad-bladed axe. Most of them also carried bows—short, deeply curved bows, slung on their backs.

“Who are these people?” Sabriel asked Touchstone. “Why are they going out into the Dead part of the city?”

“Sgers,” replied Touchstone. “Some of the people I spoke to last night mentiohem.

Parts of the city were abao the ……(内容加载失败!)




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