正文 chapter xxi

“The diamond is plete,” said Touchstone. “We won’t be able to move him.”

“Yes. I know,” replied Sabriel. The relief that had soared inside her at the sight of her father was ebbing, giving way to the siess caused by the broken stones. “I think . . . I think I’ll have to go into Death from here, ach his spirit back.”

“What!” exclaimed Touchstohen, quieter, as the ech, “Here?”

“If we cast our own diamond of prote . . .”

Sabriel tihinking aloud. “A large one, around both of us and Father’s diamond—that will keep most da bay.”

“Most danger,” Touchstone said grimly, looking around, trying to peer past the tight fines of their dle’s little globe of light.

“It will also trap us here—even if we cast it, so close to the broken stones. I know that I couldn’t do it alo this point.”

“We should be able to bine our strengths.

Then, if you and Mogget keep watch while I am ih, we should manage.”

“What do you think, Mogget?” asked Touchst……(内容加载失败!)




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