正文 chapter xxii

Sabriel reached the Third Gate just ahead of the wave, gabbling a Free Magic spell as she ran, feeling it fume up and out of her mouth, filling her nostrils with acrid fumes.

The spell parted the mists, and Sabriel stepped within, the wave breaking harmlessly around her, dumping its cargo of Dead down into the waterfall beyond. Sabriel waited a moment more, for the path to appear, then passed on— on to the Fourth Prect.

This was a relatively easy area to traverse. The current was strong again, but predictable. There were few Dead, because most were stunned and rushed through by the Third Prect’s wave.

Sabriel walked quickly, using the strength of her will to suppress the leeg cold and the plug hands of the current. She could feel her father’s spirit now, close by, as if he were in one room of a large house, and she in arag him down by the slight sounds of habitation.

He was either here in the Fourth Prect, or past the Fate, in the Fifth Prect.

She in……(内容加载失败!)




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