正文 chapter xxiii

Touchstone could see the Dead now, and had no difficulty hearing them. They were ting and clapping, decayed hands meeting together in a steady, slow rhythm that put all the hair on the back of his head on edge.

A ghastly noise, hard sounds of bone on bone, or the liquid thumpings of deposed, jellying flesh. The ting was even worse, for very few of them had funing mouths.

Touchstone had never seen or heard a shipwreow he khe sound of a thousand sailors drowning, all at once, in a quiet sea.

The lines of the Dead had marched out close to where Touchstoood, f a great mass of shifting shadow, spread like a choking fungus around the ns. Touchstone couldn’t make out what they were doing, till Mogget, with his night-sight, explained.

“They’re f up into two lio make a corridor,” the little cat whispered, though the need for silence was long gone. “A corridor of Dead Hands, reag from the northern stair to us.”

“ you see the doorway of the stair?”





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