正文 chapter xxv

“Beg pardon, sir,” said the soldier, saluting at the doorway to the officer’s bathroom. “Duty officer’s pliments and you e straight away?”

el Horyse sighed, put down his razor, and used the flao wipe off the remains of the shaving soap. He had been interrupted shaving that m, and had tried several times during the day to finish the job. Perhaps it was a sign he should grow a moustache.

“What’s happening?” he asked, resignedly.

Whatever was happening, it was uo be good.

“An aircraft, sir,” replied the private, stolidly.

“From Army HQ? Dropping a message der?”

“I don’t know, sir. It’s oher side of the Wall.”

“What!” exclaimed Horyse, dropping all his shaving gear, pig up his helmet and sword, and attempting to rush out, all at the same time.


But, when he eventually sorted himself out and got down to the Forward Observation Post—an octagonal strongpoint that thrust out through the Perimeter to within fifty yards of the ……(内容加载失败!)




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