正文 chapter xxviii

Sabriel forced herself to walk back to the main doors, rather than break into a screaming run. Lots of soldiers could see her— they were still plag lanterns out in lines, radiating out from the steps, and several soldiers were holding a coil of certina wire, waiting to bou out. They looked anxiously at her as she passed.

The sarcophagus was just slipping off the ramp into the corridor ahead of her. Sabriel could easily have pushed past it, but she waited outside, looking out. After a moment, she became aware that Horyse was standio her, his face half-lit by the lanterns, half in shadow.

“The fog . . . the fog is almost at the gates,”

she said, too quickly to be calm.

“I know,” replied Horyse, steadily. “That firing icket. Six men and a corporal.”

Sabriel nodded. She had felt their deaths, like slight punches iomach. Already she was hardening herself not to notice, to wilfully dull her sehere would be many more deaths that night.

Suddenly, she fel……(内容加载失败!)




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