正文 Chapter IX

The importa in my life was my visit to Boston, in May, 1888. As if it were yesterday I remember the preparations, the departure with my teacher and my mother, the journey, and finally the arrival in Boston.

How different this journey was from the one I had made to Baltimore two years before! I was no longer a restless, excitable little creature, requiring the attention of everybody orain to keep me amused. I sat quietly beside Miss Sullivan, taking in with eager i all that she told me about what she saw out of the car window: the beautiful Tennessee River, the great cotton-fields, the hills and woods, and the crowds of laughing negroes at the stations, who waved to the people orain and brought delicious dy and pop balls through the car. On the seat opposite me sat my big rag doll, Nancy, in a new gingham dress and a beruffled sunbo, looking at me out of two bead eyes. Sometimes, when I was not absorbed in Miss Sullivans descriptions, I remembered Nancy……(内容加载失败!)




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