正文 Chapter XI

Iumn I returo my Southern home with a heart full of joyous memories. As I recall that visit North I am filled with wo the riess and variety of the experiehat cluster about it. It seems to have been the beginning of everything. The treasures of a new, beautiful world were laid at my feet, and I took in pleasure and information at every turn. I lived myself into all things. I was ill a moment; my life was as full of motion as those little is that crowd a whole existeo one brief day. I met many people who talked with me by spelling into my hand, and thought in joyous sympathy leaped up to meet thought, and behold, a miracle had been wrought! The barren places between my mind and the minds of others blossomed like the rose.

I spent the autumn months with my family at our summer cottage, on a mountain about fourteen miles from Tuscumbia. It was called Fern Quarry, because near it there was a limestone quarry, long since abandoned.

Three frolie little streams……(内容加载失败!)




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