正文 Chapter XIII

It was in the spring of 1890 that I learo speak. The impulse to utter audible sounds had always been strong within me. I used to make noises, keeping one hand on my throat while the other hahe movements of my lips. I leased with anything that made a noise and liked to feel the cat purr and the dog bark. I also liked to keep my hand on a sihroat, or on a piano when it was being played. Before I lost my sight and hearing, I was fast learning to talk, but after my illness it was found that I had ceased to speak because I could not hear. I used to sit in my mothers lap all day long and keep my hands on her face because it amused me to feel the motions of her lips; and I moved my lips, too, although I had fotten what talking was. My friends say that I laughed and cried naturally, and for awhile I made many sounds and word-elements, not because they were a means of unication, but because the need of exerg my vocal ans was imperative. There was, however, one w……(内容加载失败!)




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