正文 Chapter XV

The summer and winter following the "Frost King" i I spent with my family in Alabama. I recall with delight that home-going. Everything had budded and blossomed. I was happy. "The Frost King" was fotten.

When the ground was strewn with the crimson and golden leaves of autumn, and the musk-sted grapes that covered the arbour at the end of the gardeurning golden brown in the sunshine, I began to write a skety life--a year after I had written "The Frost King.”

I was still excessively scrupulous about everything I wrote. The thought that what I wrote might not be absolutely my own tormented me. No one knew of these fears except my teacher. A strange sensitiveness prevented me from referring to the "Frost King"; and often when an idea flashed out in the course of versation I would spell softly to her, "I am not sure it is mine." At other times, in the midst of a paragraph I was writing, I said to myself, "Suppose it should be found that all this was written……(内容加载失败!)




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