正文 Chapter XVI

Before October, 1893, I had studied various subjects by myself in a more or less desultory manner. I read the histories of Greece, Rome and the Uates. I had a French grammar in raised print, and as I already knew some French, I often amused myself by posing in my head short exercises, using the new words as I came across them, and ign rules and other teicalities as much as possible. I even tried, without aid, to master the French pronunciation, as I found all the letters and sounds described in the book. Of course this was tasking slender powers freat ends; but it gave me something to do on a rainy day, and I acquired a suffit knowledge of French to read with pleasure La Fontaines "Fables," "Le Mede Malgre Lui" and passages from "Athalie.”

I also gave siderable time to the improvement of my speech. I read aloud to Miss Sullivan aed passages from my favourite poets, which I had itted to memory; she corrected my pronunciation and helped me to phrase and ……(内容加载失败!)




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Chapter XV目录+书签Chapter XVII