正文 Chapter XVII

In the summer of 1894, I attehe meeting at Chautauqua of the Ameri Association to Promote the Teag of Speech to the Deaf. There it was arrahat I should go to the Wright-Humason School for the Deaf in New York City. I went there in October, 1894, apanied by Miss Sullivan. This school was chosen especially for the purpose of obtaining the highest advantages in vocal culture and training in lip-reading. In addition to my work in these subjects, I studied, during the two years I was in the school, arithmetic, physical geography, Frend German.

Miss Reamy, my German teacher, could use the manual alphabet, and after I had acquired a small vocabulary, we talked together in German whenever we had a ce, and in a few months I could uand almost everything she said. Before the end of the first year I read "Wilhelm Tell" with the greatest delight. Indeed, I think I made more progress in German than in any of my other studies. I found French much more difficult. I stu……(内容加载失败!)




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