正文 Chapter XVIII

In October, 1896, I ehe Cambridge School for Young Ladies, to be prepared for Radcliffe.

When I was a little girl, I visited Wellesley and surprised my friends by the annou, "Some day I shall go to college--but I shall go to Harvard!" When asked why I would not go to Wellesley, I replied that there were only girls there. The thought of going to college took root in my heart and became an ear desire, which impelled me to enter into petition for a degree with seeing and hearing girls, in the face of the strong opposition of many true and wise friends. When I left New York the idea had bee a fixed purpose; and it was decided that I should go to Cambridge. This was the approach I could get to Harvard and to the fulfillment of my childish declaration.

At the Cambridge School the plan was to have Miss Sullivan attend the classes with me and interpret to me the instru given.

Of course my instructors had had no experien teag any but normal pupils, and my only ……(内容加载失败!)




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