正文 Chapter XX

The struggle for admission to college was ended, and I could er Radcliffe whenever I pleased. Before I entered college, however, it was thought best that I should study another year under Mr. Keith. It was not, therefore, until the fall of 1900 that my dream of going to college was realized.

I remember my first day at Radcliffe. It was a day full of i for me. I had looked forward to it for years.

A potent force withirohan the persuasion of my friends, stronger even than the pleadings of my heart, had impelled me to try my strength by the standards of those who see and hear. I khat there were obstacles in the way; but I was eager to overe them. I had taken to heart the words of the wise Roman who said, "To be banished from Rome is but to live outside of Rome." Debarred from the great highways of knowledge, I was pelled to make the journey across try by unfrequented roads--that was all; and I khat in college there were many bypaths where I could touch han……(内容加载失败!)




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