正文 Chapter XXI

I have thus far sketched the events of my life, but I have not shown how much I have depended on books not only for pleasure and for the wisdom they bring to all who read, but also for that knowledge whies to others through their eyes and their ears. Indeed, books have meant so much more in my education than in that of others, that I shall go back to the time when I began to read.

I read my first ected story in May, 1887, when I was seven years old, and from that day to this I have devoured everything in the shape of a printed page that has e within the reay hungry fiips.

As I have said, I did not study regularly during the early years of my education; nor did I read acc to rule.

At first I had only a few books in raised print--"readers" finners, a colle of stories for children, and a book about the earth called "Our World." I think that was all; but I read them over and over, until the words were so worn and pressed I could scarcely make them out. Some……(内容加载失败!)




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